Author Topic: detail Model turning on / off at run time  (Read 1838 times)


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detail Model turning on / off at run time
« on: November 29, 2016, 03:49:29 pm »

I need to turn on or off detail model of the grid dynamically at run time. Is there any way to do this.

Thank you.


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Re: detail Model turning on / off at run time
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2016, 09:52:21 pm »
It can be done by toggling detailModel.init callback.

Code: [Select]
toolbar: {
items: [
label: 'Remove detailModel',
listener: function(){
this.option('detailModel.init', null);
var ci = this.getColIndx({dataIndx:'pq_detail'});
if(ci >= 0){
var CM = this.option('colModel');
CM.splice(ci, 1);
this.option('colModel', CM );