IE is a poor performer, but this example performs reasonably well in IE.
As a general rule, try to display less number of cells in the viewport as performance is inversely proportional to number of cells in viewport. Use bigger font, add padding to the cells, use wider columns. Use selectionModel.type = null unless you want to use selections.
Use performant code in your custom functions e.g., cache object properties i.e., if you use object properties multiple times,
var a = ui.rowData.prop1;
var b = ui.rowData.prop2;
var rd = ui.rowData,
a = rd.prop1, b = rd.prop2;
Other than that, it's difficult for me to suggest anything unless I see your issue and check/profile the reason for poor performance.
Also use the instance method calling convention for better performance.
i.e. grid.refreshRow(...)
instead of $(".selector").pqGrid("refreshRow", ...)