Hi all,
I need to create a simple textarea header filter (remote filter) but I want that the filter will be applied only if the search query has a min length (like 3).
I immagin that i've to create a custom listener...that's correct?
In the api documentation I found that:
"listeners is an array used to bind control with the events upon firing of which a callback function is called.
Format is listeners: [ { 'name of event' : function( evt, ui ){ } } ,... ] where ui in the callback is an object holding the following properties."
so I've create this:
filter: {
type: 'textbox',
condition: 'contain',
listeners: [{
'myEvent': function (evt, ui) {
//?? return ui.value.length>2; ??
But nothing to do! What I've to write to fire the filter?