I have a problem with Scroll in ParamQuery Pro 5.4.0.
Two tests were conducted for the occurrence of scrolling.
1) Lib add, delete
<script type = "text / javascript" src = "../../ common / js / paramquery-5.4.0 / pqgrid.min.js"> </ script>
Result] Scroll occurrence
<! -
<script type = "text / javascript" src = "../../ common / js / paramquery-5.4.0 / pqgrid.min.js"> </ script>
Result] Scroll does not occur.
2) paramquery version change test.
2-1) paramquery-3.4.1 => Result] Scroll does not occur.
2-2) paramquery-4.0.3 => Result] Scroll occurred
2-3) paramquery-5.4.0 => Result] Scroll occurs
As a result of testing 3 kinds of items, paramquery-3.4.1 does not generate Scroll, and Scroll has occurred in later version.
I want to check the reference file.