Dear All
We are pleased to announce release of major version 6.0.0
In addition to few bug fixes, it introduces some new features:
1. Context menu: It is activated by right click, double tap or long tap on desktops, mac, touch devices.
Context menu is supported on body cells, number cells and header cells.
All the grid API can be called from the context menu event handlers.
2. Drag and drop within a single grid, between grids, between grids and other third party components. It is supported for any plain grid, grid with row groupings and treegrid.
3. Enhancements in row grouping:
a) Different aggregates are supported in summary column at different levels.
b) Rows from which values are taken are also available in aggregation functions so that conditional ( based on different rows ) aggregates can be written.
Please read the upgrade guide to migrate your code from lower versions.
Happy coding!
Best Regards
The ParamQuery Team