Author Topic: Auto / custom summary does not work  (Read 1549 times)


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Auto / custom summary does not work
« on: March 06, 2020, 09:32:33 pm »

I am trying to follow this example and make auto summary for one of my column, but it does not work

Code: [Select]
                var groupModel = {
                    on: true,
                    merge: true,
                    dataIndx: ['inspectionName'],
                    showSummary: [true],
                    header: isEditMode,
                    collapsed: [true],
                    title: [
                        "{0} ({1})",
                        "{0} - {1}"

I added additional properties to that specific column
Code: [Select]
                               summary: { type: "sum" },
                                dataType: "float",
                                format: '$##,###.00'

If i remove summary: { type: "sum" } then I can see values (numbers) in that column, but with summary I get $0.00 for each row and summary Sum: $0.00. What I am doing wrong?

I also try following this example (custom summary) but again custom function agg.all was called for each row and for each group. And I expected to get called for each group and to provide me with array of data values that belongs to that group. If I use same agg.all function from the example I get 0 again

Thank you,
Best Regards