There are no error messages. The grid has three fields: plain text, date (with popup calendar), and list (select w/options). When you click in any cell to edit a field opens in the lower left corner. The calendar and select list work correctly. Changes are submitted correctly to the database.
var $donationGrid = $( "#donation-grid" ).pqGridM({ width: 300, height: 160,
minWidth: 1,
hwrap: false,
dragColumns: {enabled:false},
wrap: false,
showTop: true,
title: 'Donations',
plusButton: true,
showBottom: false,
numberCell: { show: false },
editable: true,
track: true,
selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode: 'single' },
hoverMode: 'cell',
editModel: {saveKey: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER,
keyUpDown: true,
cellBorderWidth: 1,
clicksToEdit: 1},
colModel: [{title:"ID", width:10, dataType:"integer", dataIndx:"donation_id", hidden:true},
{title:"Date", width:100, dataType:"date", align:"left", dataIndx:"date_", editor: { type: dateEditor }},
{title:"Type", width:100, dataType:"string", align:"left", dataIndx:"type_", editor: { type: 'select', options: lstDonationType }},
{title:"Amount", width:90, dataType:"integer", align:"left", dataIndx:"amount"}],
dataModel: {dataType: "JSON",
location: "remote",
method: "GET",
recTbl: "donations",
recIndx: "donation_id",
fKey: "contact_id"},
plusClick: function (evt, ui) { addGridRow(this, evt, ui); },
quitEditMode: function (evt, ui) { $(this).pqGridM("saveEditCell"); mrkFrmChanged() },
cellBeforeSave: function (evt, ui) { checkGridData(this, evt, ui); },
rowRightClick: function(evt, ui) { deleteGridRow(this, evt, ui) }