In my treegrid I want to be able to search for items by typing partial string into the header text field just like the filter feature.
1. Matched items to be highlighted and the first match to be scrolled to so that it is visible.
2. None of the items in the tree should be hidden unlike how it works in filter feature. Basically, the original tree items should remain intact. We should just scroll to the match rows.
3. Ability to navigate to next and previous matches if there are multiple matching rows.
The reason why filter doesn't work for me and I want the "Search" feature is because, I would want to search based on a parent node/row text but then really interact with the children of that searched/matching parent. So, I want the children of the matching row to also be visible. Currently, in the filter feature, the children/descendants of the matched row are not shown.
Is there someway to achieve this? Please help.
Thank you