Dear All
Besides bug fixes, version 8.2.0 has been released with few enhancements in Range, csv import and global editor API.
Previously we could initialize Range object only by passing an object with r1, r2, c1, c2, rc, cc properties.
var range = grid.Range( { r1: 2, c1: 2, r2: 5, c2: 4 } ) for a block range
Now we can do the same by using spreadsheet way which is comparitively easier i.e,
var range = grid.Range( "A2,B2:D5,2:4" ) //for collection of ranges.
csv import
separator parameter has been added to pq.excel.importXl method which allows us to pass custom separator while importing csv files in pqgrid
i.e., ";" which is commonly used in some European countries.
Best Regards
The ParamQuery Team