I want to use the below function in an asp.net page. But i m not able to understand what url: "/demos/pagingGetOrders" stands for.is "pagingGetOrders" name of a function which returns data or is this the path for a text file or an xml file or something like that.
Can i get the data from a c# function using this method by just giving the name of page and function for ex...abc.aspx/functionname.
getUrl: function () {
var sortDir = (this.sortDir == "up") ? "asc" : "desc";
var sort = ['ShipCountry', 'contactName', 'orderID', 'OrderDate', 'RequiredDate', 'ShippedDate',
'ShipVia', 'Freight', 'ShipName', 'ShipAddress', 'ShipCity', 'ShipRegion', 'ShipPostalCode'];
return { url: "/demos/pagingGetOrders", data: "cur_page=" + this.curPage + "&records_per_page=" +
this.rPP + "&sortBy=" + sort[this.sortIndx] + "&dir=" + sortDir };