i have did it some other way please check below
eachCell:function(cell, ci, ri, column, rowData){
// get the orininal cell value;
cell["value"] = rowData[ column["dataIndx"] ];
// set date format to create date , out date, and return date
if([ "OUT_DATE", "RETURN_DATE"].includes(cell.dataIndx))
var date = empty(cell["value"]) ? false : moment(cell["value"]),
days = date ? date.diff("1900/01/01", "days")+2 : false,
converted = date ? days + ((date.second() + (date.minute()*60) + (date.hour()*60*60)) / 86400) : false;
cell["format"] = "dd/mm/yyy";
cell.value = converted;
Initially we can set all kind of formats through this
please if we can get better way to render dates and other formats, it will be very fine.....