Dear All
We are thrilled to announce the release of PQGrid v10.0.0, a significant milestone as we prepare to integrate interactive charts in future versions. This version includes important enhancements and bug fixes:
Formatting Revamp:We've enhanced our number and date formatting to align with popular spreadsheet applications like MS Excel and Google Sheets. This feature has been implemented using plain JavaScript and modern browser APIs from scratch, without any dependencies. As a result, we have transitioned away from jQueryUI date formatting, as outlined in the upgrade guide.
Examples: API Options: Define number and date formatting for editors and filter values, and parse formatted user inputs back to primitive values, eliminating the need for defining or simplifying the custom editors and filters for simple tasks.
For example by using column.fmtDateEdit option, the date editors in this demo are much easier to define than in earlier versions: Export Support: Export images to PDF and HTML formats.
State Management: Save and load state support for nested columns.
Styling Enhancements: Add styles to range selection overlays.
Formula Parsing Engine Upgrade: Improved engine to support advanced Excel functions in future versions.
Lazy Data Model Initialization: Enable dataModel.location = 'lazy' after initialization.
Custom Dropdown Filter Titles: filter.title(values, column) callback to display custom values in dropdown filter titles.
We hope you enjoy these new features and improvements. Thank you for your continued support!
Please do remember to check the upgrade guide for this version: Regards
The ParamQuery Team