The existing sample in the website, is for angular 7 and pqgrid 3.5, when tried it to convert for the angular v14, getting error as
pq cannot find the namespace.
in pqgrid.component.ts
import { pq } from 'pqgridf';
export class PqgridComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() options!: object;
grid: pq.gridT.instance ;
error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'pq'.
18 grid: pq.gridT.instance;
even i added the pqgridf.d.ts file
declare module 'pqgridf' {
export const pq: any;
in compiler options of tsconfig.json
"typeRoots": [
"src/app" // or wherever your pqgridf.d.ts is located
still i am unable to resolve the namespace,
please suggest, a way