Author Topic: Setting all rows containing a checkbox column, checked  (Read 1579 times)


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Setting all rows containing a checkbox column, checked
« on: January 24, 2025, 09:58:29 pm »
Can you tell me how to set all rows that contain a checkbox column to checked?

I am using the following column where the "checked" attribute is set to true, but no rows are being checked:

        colModel = [
                title: "FAS Activity", dataType: "string", dataIndx: "FASActivity", editable: false, align: "left", minWidth: '20%',
                render: function (ui) {
                    return "<a href='#' onClick=javascript:OpenTranWindow(" + "'" + ui.cellData + "'" + ");>" + ui.cellData + "</a>";
            { title: "Region", dataType: "String", dataIndx: "RegionDesc", editable: false, minWidth: '40%', },
                title: "Include ?", dataIndx: "Activity", type: 'checkbox', editable: false,
                cbId: 'chk', hidden: false, checked: true, useLabel: false, minWidth: '20%'
                dataIndx: 'chk',
                dataType: 'bool',
                cb: { header: true },
                hidden: true,
                editable: function (ui) {
                    //to make checkboxes editable selectively.
                    return !(ui.rowData.Activity.length > 10);


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Re: Setting all rows containing a checkbox column, checked
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2025, 11:27:29 pm »
there are 2 ways to initially check checkboxes in all rows:

1) Either set chk property of every row to true.


2) In complete event, call the checkbox API, grid.Checkbox('Activity').checkAll();
