Author Topic: select tag is not working inside the popup dialog box.  (Read 2810 times)


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select tag is not working inside the popup dialog box.
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:18:20 pm »
Hi paramquery team,
                     I am calling the popup dialog box on cell click function. And the popup grid colModel contain one column with select drop down. But this select drop down is not working inside the pop grid. Not even select but also another editor function like text box is also not working. 
                I am placing some code below, for your reference. please give some solution for my problem.

 var colModel = [

                        title : "Event <label class='req' style='display:inline'>*</label>",
                        width : '40%',
                        dataType : "string",
                        align : "center",
                        dataIndx : "eventType",
                        editable : false,
                        editor : {
                              type : 'select',
                              cls: "eventlist",
                              options: [{ '': '' }, { 'SE': 'Speedy Express' }, { 'UP': 'United Package' }]

   var obj = {

                            editable : true,
                           numberCell : false,
                           resizable : false,
                           scrollModel : {
                                 autoFit : true,
                                 theme : false
                           dragColumns : {
                                 enabled : false
                            draggable : true,
                           collapsible : false,
                           dataModel : DataModel,
                           colModel : colModel,
                           showTitle : false,
                           showBottom : false,         
                           sortable : false,
                           editModel: {
                                 clicksToEdit: 1,
                                    saveKey: $.ui.keyCode.ENTER
                           selectionModel : {
                                 type : 'cell',

 // Dialog popup opens here

$('body').on('click','#open_popup',function(e) {
      //$("#open_popup").click(function (evt) {
             // autoOpen: false,
              height: 400,
              width: 700,
              modal: true,
              open: function (evt, ui) {   
              close: function () {
              show: {
                  effect: "blind",
                  duration: 500


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Re: select tag is not working inside the popup dialog box.
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2014, 09:34:30 pm »
The solution is the same for select as for textbox as replied to your previous question.