One issue I'm having is that the text dates in the filter fields disappear after sorting the column (clicking on the column titles to change the sort order). The filter still stays in place, but the textual representation of them disappears from the filter text boxes.
var _pqDateFilter = function(ui) {
var $this = $(this);
$this.css({zindex:9999,position:"relative"}).datepicker({changeYear:true, changeMonth: true, onClose:function(evt,ui){$(this).focus()}});
$this.filter(".pq-from").datepicker("option","defaultDate", new Date("01/01/2001"));
$this.filter(".pq-to").datepicker("option","defaultDate", new Date());
filter: {
type: 'textbox',
condition: 'between',
init: _pqDateFilter,
listeners: [{
'change':function(evt, ui){
ui.value = new Date(ui.value).getTime();
ui.value2 = new Date(ui.value2).getTime();
var $grid = $(this).closest('.pq-grid');
$grid.pqGrid("filter", {
oper: 'add',
data: [ui]