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Messages - Jongki, Baek

Pages: [1]
What chart types can be used in inline charts?
Please ask for Sample Source.

Thank you for your help.

I knew why the above problem occurred.

grid = $("#grid_view").pqGrid(obj);

It seems to lose the object.
It changes as above and works normally.

Hi Support Team.

Checkbox is not visible in Grid after screen refresh.

1) Create a Grid by adding a checkbox.
2) Update data and screen by adding additional conditions.
3) I can not see the checkbox on the Grid.

add Source]
// ---------------------------------------------
// init Create Grid
// ---------------------------------------------
   function gridView( )
      if( grid != "" && grid != null && grid != undefined )   
         setData( "" );   

      var option = selectCheckDepth( );
      var gridOption  = "currtime=" + toCurrTime() + option;
    colModel= [
        { dataIndx: "MIN", maxWidth: 40, minWidth: 40, align: "center", resizable: false,
             title: "<br>Min",
             menuIcon: false,
             type: 'checkBoxSelection', cls: 'ui-state-default', sortable: false, editor: false,
             dataType: 'bool',
             cb: {
                 all: false, //checkbox selection in the header affect current page only.
                 header: true //show checkbox in header.
        { dataIndx: "MAX", maxWidth: 40, minWidth: 40, align: "center", resizable: false,
             title: "<br>Max",
             menuIcon: false,
             type: 'checkBoxSelection', cls: 'ui-state-default', sortable: false, editor: false,
             dataType: 'bool',
             cb: {
                 all: false, //checkbox selection in the header affect current page only.
                 header: true //show checkbox in header.
        { dataIndx: "AVG", maxWidth: 40, minWidth: 40, align: "center", resizable: false,
             title: "<br>Avg",
             menuIcon: false,
             type: 'checkBoxSelection', cls: 'ui-state-default', sortable: false, editor: false,
             dataType: 'bool',
             cb: {
                 all: false, //checkbox selection in the header affect current page only.
                 header: true //show checkbox in header.
        { dataIndx: "STD", maxWidth: 40, minWidth: 40, align: "center", resizable: false,
             title: "<br>Dev",
             menuIcon: false,
             type: 'checkBoxSelection', cls: 'ui-state-default', sortable: false, editor: false,
             dataType: 'bool',
             cb: {
                 all: false, //checkbox selection in the header affect current page only.
                 header: true //show checkbox in header.
           { dataIndx: "CNT", maxWidth: 40, minWidth: 40, align: "center", resizable: false,
             title: "<br>Count",
             menuIcon: false,
             type: 'checkBoxSelection', cls: 'ui-state-default', sortable: false, editor: false,
             dataType: 'bool',
             cb: {
                 all: false, //checkbox selection in the header affect current page only.
                 header: true //show checkbox in header.
     { title: "ITEM_KEY"  , dataIndx: "ITEM_KEY"  , width:200, dataType: "string" , hidden:true }, // , type: 'checkbox', useLabel: true
     { title: "TABLE_ID"  , dataIndx: "TABLE_ID"  , width:100, dataType: "string" , hidden:true},
     { title: "ITEM ID"   , dataIndx: "ITEM_ID"   , width:100, dataType: "string" , hidden:true},
     { title: "Column"      , dataIndx: "ITEM_NAME" , width:300, dataType: "string"  },
    var groupModel = {
            on: true,
            summaryInTitleRow: 'all', //to display summary in the title row.
            dataIndx: [ 'DEPT_NAME', 'FAC_NAME' ],
            //showSummary: [true], //to display summary at end of every group.           
            title: [
                "{0} ({1})",
                "{0} - {1}"
    //Define Paramquery Object
    var obj = {
          width: 560,
          height: 630,
          scrollModel: {autoFit: true},                                                 
          numberCell: { resizable: true, width: 50, title: '#'},
          resizable: true,
          showBottom: false,
          stripeRows: false,
          roundCorners: false,
          scrollModel: {
          toolbar: {
              items: [
                  type: 'button',
                  label: "Chart",
                  listener: function () {
                      var data = this.option(''),
                      cols = [];
                      tbl  = "";
                     for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
                         var rowData = data;
                         tbl = rowData.TABLE_ID;
                         if (rowData.MIN) {
                                         cols.push( "MIN_" + rowData.ITEM_ID + " as '" + rowData.ITEM_NAME + "Min Value'" );
                     //sort the ids.
                     // cols = cols.sort(function (a, b) { return (a - b); })
                     chartView( tbl, cols );
              } ]
          selectionModel: { type: 'row', mode :'block', fireSelectChange: true },
          //groupModel: groupModel,
          // swipeModel: {on: false},
    //Adds ColModel from AJAX Call
    obj.colModel = colModel;       
    obj.dataModel = {
        dataType: "JSON",
        location: "remote",
        url: '../ajax/jqgrid_P021.jsp?' + gridOption,
        getData: function (dataJSON) {
            return { data: };
    //Set Object
    grid = $("#grid_view").pqGrid(obj);
    $('#grid_view').css('fontSize', '13px'); 
// ---------------------------------------------
// data Refresh
// ---------------------------------------------
function setData( basedate )
    var option = selectCheckDepth( );
    var gridOption  = "currtime=" + toCurrTime() + "&basedate=" + basedate + option;

   $("#grid_view").pqGrid( 'option', 'dataModel.url', '../ajax/jqgrid_P021.jsp?' + gridOption ) ;
    $("#grid_view").pqGrid( 'refreshDataAndView');          

thank you.
This issue has been resolved.


I have a problem with Scroll in ParamQuery Pro 5.4.0.

Two tests were conducted for the occurrence of scrolling.

1) Lib add, delete
<script type = "text / javascript" src = "../../ common / js / paramquery-5.4.0 / pqgrid.min.js"> </ script>
Result] Scroll occurrence

<! -
<script type = "text / javascript" src = "../../ common / js / paramquery-5.4.0 / pqgrid.min.js"> </ script>
Result] Scroll does not occur.

2) paramquery version change test.
2-1) paramquery-3.4.1 => Result] Scroll does not occur.
2-2) paramquery-4.0.3 => Result] Scroll occurred
2-3) paramquery-5.4.0 => Result] Scroll occurs

As a result of testing 3 kinds of items, paramquery-3.4.1 does not generate Scroll, and Scroll has occurred in later version.

I want to check the reference file.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Register & Download ParamQuery
« on: September 20, 2018, 09:29:22 am »
Your payment for ParamQuery Pro Enterprise ( 1 developer ) has been received.

Transaction ID: xxxxxxxxxxx6521J


I attached the file you requested.

But, pqgrid.min.js is file size over. not add.

pqgrid.min.js INFO
 * ParamQuery Pro
 * Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Paramvir Dhindsa (
 * Released under Evaluation license

It was solved with your help.

However, another problem occurred.
Some data is missing when exporting Excel.
Please check the data.

Thank you for your help.

try, return Message:
The object does not support the 'refreshDataAndView' property or method.

I added a text file

function setData()
     var datag1 = [
          [1, 'Exxon Mobil', '339938.0', '36130.0'],
          [2, 'Wal-Mart Stores', '315654.0', '11231.0'],
          [3, 'Royal Dutch Shell', '306731.0', '25311.0'],
          [4, 'BP', '267600.0', '22341.0']

    $("#grid_array").pqGrid( 'option', '', datag1 ).refreshDataAndView();   
    //* return Message:
         //* The object does not support the 'refreshDataAndView' property or method.
   // grid.option('', datag1 );
   // grid.refreshDataAndView();

1) When I import data using ajax, I want the PgGrid to refresh (update).
button click
call  aaa.jsp?type=a     grid display

another button click
call  aaa.jsp?type=b    grid display


I am looking for answers to two questions.

1) When I import data using ajax, I want the PgGrid to refresh (update).
    * sample source

2) It is Spring-based data that is provided as sample when saved as excel.
    I want a JSP-based source.

Pages: [1]