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Messages - hideki.yoshikura

Pages: [1] 2 3
Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: About row filter specifications
« on: April 08, 2021, 12:13:26 pm »
Thank you.
I was able to do what I wanted to do in the way you taught me.

Help for ParamQuery Pro / About row filter specifications
« on: April 08, 2021, 10:24:12 am »
We are using Param Query version 6.2.4.
If I call the addRow() method with the row filtered and then un-filter the row, the added row will be moved to the top.
Also, if I add an element to the row data retrieved with pq.gridT.instance.getData() while the row is filtered, and then call the refresh() method, the data will not be updated. (In the unfiltered state, the row will be added.)
Is it a specification that rows added when filtering will be moved to the top after the filter is removed?

Help for ParamQuery Pro / Re: How to make selected cells non-editable
« on: July 16, 2020, 10:46:22 am »
Thank you for answering

Help for ParamQuery Pro / How to make selected cells non-editable
« on: July 15, 2020, 09:46:16 am »

Param query version is using 6.2.4.
I want to change the attribute of the selected cell (grid.Selection ().getSelection ()) of the grid at some action (when clicking a button, etc.).
The attributes to change are:

Please tell me how to implement it.

Thank you
It has been resolved.

Param query version is using 6.2.4.

Currently, I am using the copy() method and paste() method to copy the cell.
However, cells that are not set in colModel will not be copied.
I want to copy & paste the cell value of Column which is not set in colModel at the time of cell copy & paste.
The columns I want to copy are included in the dataModel, but I haven't set them in the colModel.

I would like to know an efficient implementation method for copying and pasting columns that do not exist in the colModel of the grid.

Thanking you in advance

Is this a bug that cannot be reproduced or is difficult to solve?

Is this a bug that cannot be reproduced?

The attached image is a screenshot when the background color does not actually change when selected.

Thank you for your answer,

Although it is a browser, crome version is 83.0.4103.116.
The frequency of this phenomenon is fairly low.

I was able to reproduce it on the demo site below.

The operation is to select cells while scrolling with the mouse several times.
Then, the phenomenon that the background color of the selected cell is not colored occurs.

No customization is added to the source code.
The frequency of this phenomenon is fairly low.

When autofill is repeated several times, the border line of a cell may not be selected even if a cell is selected.

Thank you for your answer,

Although it is a browser, crome version is 83.0.4103.116.
I was able to reproduce it on the demo site below.

Here are the steps:
1.Filter the Freight column.
2.In the ShipCountry column,
When autofill is repeated several times, the border line of a cell may not be selected even if a cell is selected.
See attached file screen1.png

3.In this state, if you autofill up to the first cell, "no rows to display" is displayed.
See attached file screen2.png

Thanking you in advance.

Thank you for your reply.

I understood the answer.

Is this going to take some time to resolve?
If the question is not clear, we will ask you again.

Is this going to take some time to resolve?
If the question is not clear, we will ask you again.

Pages: [1] 2 3