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Topics - youngfitz

Pages: [1]
Bug Report / pq-localize-en.js and pq-localize-en.min.js are not the same
« on: December 14, 2018, 11:52:58 pm »

I ran into an issue on my PROD environment when using pq-localize-en.min.js. For example, strCondition property is missing but there are a lot more.

This file is NOT the same as pq-localize-en.js

Can you confirm if the .min files are kept up to date or should they not be used?


Help for ParamQuery Pro / Range Filter MVC
« on: October 30, 2018, 04:19:47 pm »

The range filter does not work as per the MVC examples in your demos. In the example code, you have the value as a string but when a range is passed, its an array.

   struct Filter
        public String dataIndx;
        public String condition;
        public String value;

Do you have a working example of this for MVC so I know the correct way to implement this?



I created a text custom condition for a Datetime Field but its not passing the value back because i suspect its a text value associated with date type property.
Is there anyway around this?


Bug Report / Between filter not passing back both values MVC
« on: October 11, 2018, 04:23:17 pm »

In MVC, when you select the between filter, it is only passing back one value and not both.

From the example - i see in the PHP example code, there is between syntax but there is no "between" filter in the MVC example (there is a few missing - gte,lte).

I see this example between works but I am not sure what underlining example code is been used - PHP or MVC.

Could you let me know if I am misunderstanding something here?



Is it possible to create a row like layout for the toolbar?
If possible, we would like to show certain sets of buttons on seperate rows - for example - Export options on row 1 and on row 2 reset filters and toggle buttons.


ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / Adding Custom Dropdown to Toolbar
« on: October 09, 2018, 09:42:21 pm »

Is it possible to add a custom dropdown to the toolbar on the grid with a ID and value format?
The dropdown value will be text and the ID a number but I only want to see the text in the dropdown and upon clicking a button, i will be able to get the ID of the selected value.



When you apply rendering to a cell and then try to group by it, the arrow to expand or collapse is missing and the summary of the record count is missing.
I edited your cell render example ( ) and made the company name the rendered cell. I removed the image and just returned the text.

Attached are screenshots to show the issue.



I wanted to check if its possible to pass in a JSON object with a class object (TestClass below) and bind the Desc field of this as the dataIndx for the column?
So the property binded to the Column would be TestClass.Desc

      "OrderID": 10702,
      "CustomerName": "ALFKI",
      "EmployeeName": "Peacock",
      "TestClass": {
        "ID": 1,
        "Desc": "Gary"



ParamQuery Pro Evaluation Support / TreeGrid - Server side Examples
« on: September 23, 2018, 04:56:31 pm »

I was wondering if you have an example of server side implementation of the TreeGrid Functionality(


Bug Report / Bug selecting equals in filter condition
« on: September 14, 2018, 10:39:08 pm »

When selecting equal as the condition for remote filtering, a checkbox list appears. When you choose a option, the filtering throws and error:'Type 'System.String' is not supported for deserialization of an array.'

Below is the JSON passed

I tested this on your demos and it seems to be broken as well.

Can you review and see if there is a bug here and if so, is there a way to remove the equals option in the condition dropdown?


Is it possible to somehow capture all the grid content - filter text, filter condition, group by columns, visible columns etc on a click event?
I have a customer request to save the grid filters done by users and reapply when they revisit the grid so I want to see if there is a build in function that allows you capture this?

Thanks for any help!

Pages: [1]