In this example we define a formula
['new_col', function (rd) { var a = rd['1998_aggr_Freight'], b = rd['1997_aggr_Freight']; return (isNaN(a) ? 0 : a) - (isNaN(b) ? 0 : b); }]for a new column in final pivot view. Column is added by simple array manipulation of
argument of pivotCM
pivotCM: function (evt, ui) { //add new column. ui.CM.push({ title: '1998-1997', width: 120, dataIndx: 'new_col', dataType: 'float', render: function (ui) { //conditional background color depending upon value of cell. return { style: 'background-color:' + (ui.cellData > 0 ? '#aaffaa' : '#ffaaaa;') }; }, summary: { type: 'sum' }, format: '$##,###.00', styleHead: { color: 'red', 'font-weight': 'bold' } }) }